The Brothers WISP 165 – Mikrotik L3 Offloading, New RB5009, CRS610, What is Broadband Similar to?


This week we just have Tommy (I am ordering echo stuff for my room because I have listened to this cast 3x now and hate the sound of my own voice…)

Also note: I guess I have been running my mic backwards for the last couple weeks like a moron. ( you can see the silver dot which is the front of the mic facing towards the camera. I have been informed of this particularly foolish mistake and I have been told I sound great now…) I apologize for the horrible audio quality and hope to do better in the future.


This Week we talk about:

00:03:33 New FCC Proposed Speed Requirements
00:07:03 ROS 7.4rc2 and My seeing it working pretty well, check it out for yourself.
00:09:20 L3 HW Offload Experience
00:15:53 Unifi on Mikrotik Docker Link Below
00:17:10 FCC Clarification on Who Can Sign Off on Submissions for Broadband Deployment Data
00:21:48 What Can We Compare Internet Service With?
00:31:30 80km Bidi Optics and Diagnostics
00:38:10 Fiber To The Apartment Discussion
00:49:28 Mikrotik New Switches and Newsletter
00:52:14 Mikrotik RB5009 New Version, Note PoE is only on Copper Ports, No PoE on the SFP 😉
01:01:04 How to Contact Me
01:03:53 Midwest Regional Broadband Operators Meeting – July 28, 2022 (Link Below)

Unifi on Docker
New Mikrotik Switch CRS610
New Mikrotik Newsletter #106
New FCC Requirements 100/20

The Brothers WISP 165 – Mikrotik L3 Offloading, New RB5009, CRS610, What is Broadband Similar to?