Category: Switching
The Brothers WISP 180 – Communicating in an Outage
This week we have Tommy, Dennis Burgess (LinkTechs), Thomas Kirnak and Justin Miller. **Sponsors** Sonar.Software **/Sponsors** 00:00:00 Introductions 00:02:15 Sponsors and Patreon 00:04:00 Bad actor companies on FB & RF Elements 00:07:05 Going back to secorized pannels? 00:09:25 WRT54G, That Belongs in a Museum! 00:13:52 Bad Credit Card Machines and UNIFI…
The Brothers WISP 173 – IX Cast Number Two!
This week we have Tommy, Justin Wilson, Martin Weddle and John Osmon. **Sponsors** Sonar.Software **/Sponsors** The Week we dive deeper into the actual operation of and joining an IX. 00:00:00 Sponsors 00:03:00 Introductions 00:04:20 Justin’s IX and how it’s built 00:09:10 Martin’s experience joining an IX 00:10:25 Security and Route Filtering…
The Brothers WISP 166 – Shows, New Ubiquiti Products, VLAN Trunking, Slack Solutions Will Kill Tommy
This week we have Tommy, Justin Miller, Tomas Kirnak, Alex Hart and Jake Campbell (Also a working mic, thank you for your patience!) **Sponsors** Sonar.Software **/Sponsors** This Week we talk about: 00:04:00 Shows and New WISPA Chair 00:07:35 New Ubiquiti Gear, complaints and Drama. 00:12:10 Cambium Snow Shovel 00:14:55, stockpiling 00:16:50…