Month: November 2022

  • The Brothers WISP 174 – Interview with David Zumwalt CEO of WISPA

      This week we have Tommy and Jeremy Austin interviewing David Zumwalt CEO of WISPA. **Sponsors** Sonar.Software **/Sponsors** Special thanks to Jeremy this week, to make these notes I basically just had to look to see where he spoke to make each chapter note 😉 00:00:00 Intro, ads and such 00:02:53 Introductions…

  • The Brothers WISP 173 – IX Cast Number Two!

      This week we have Tommy, Justin Wilson, Martin Weddle and John Osmon. **Sponsors** Sonar.Software **/Sponsors** The Week we dive deeper into the actual operation of and joining an IX. 00:00:00 Sponsors 00:03:00 Introductions 00:04:20 Justin’s IX and how it’s built 00:09:10 Martin’s experience joining an IX 00:10:25 Security and Route Filtering…