This week Greg, Mikey, and Tomas do the dirty minutes before everyone leaves for WISPAPALOOZA; have fun errbody!
This week we talk about:
Nick A got married; oh to be young and in love.
Quote of the week “He doesn’t pay me enough to shut up.” – John Osmon
The slack recommends 4 port Intel SFP+ interfaces(x710-da4).
Thomas recommends a Pi4 for projects that need to do a gig for remote BW tests
Thrift says: disabling route cache will cause you more problems than it solves. V7 has no route-cache in kernel.
Mikrotik broadcast/multicast storms can make the router inaccessible, but may not lock it up.
Thomas says : virtually all models of FiberStore switches have different firmware/CLI/syntax
Carlan has an interesting idea to vinyl wrap antennas to have them blend in
Matt Whitely shares viso cafe free stencils
Carlan also shares yEd graphing…has some neat auto spacing options
Ubiquiti unifi flexHD access point
Greg’s Lincoln Log PC
Cisco ASA DoS
Win NTLM domain takeover
“Automation Thinking”
Here’s the video:(if you don’t see it, hit refresh)