The Brothers WISP 107 – COVID-19, Static HTML, New CCRs

This week Greg, Tomas, Mike, and Nick A. join forces to create a giant robot…then we talk about stuff.

This week we talk about:
COVID-19…if we must talk about it
WISPAmerica and MUMUS canceled…I want to do some live streaming. Who would watch a replacement on twitch? I’m finishing my presentation.
-Most people have canceled their hotels fairly easily. I need to kill my MUM stuff.
Hangouts, Zoom, Cisco, Camtasia offering free copies for a few months.
What do you use for online presentations; I picked up a 4×6 pentab for $30
– What kind of programs do you use; I’ve been trying using paint 3D, and it seems to work pretty well.
Mr. Rogers said, “When I would see scary things in the news, mom would say ‘look for the helpers, there’s always people helping’”. How can I help?
Greg has his second CCNA course live now, go click the thing if you wanna support your boy.
FS is now selling wireless controller and APs.
Several of the guys like static HTML templates for basic websites.
– Tomas
– Ole
– if you don’t wanna deal with it, then go squarespace
We’ve been burned by this before, but it could be some new hardware hidden in the MTK v7 files
New to me packet flow explanation up on the MTK wiki

Here’s the video:(if you don’t see it, hit refresh)