Antenna Recommendations For Mikrotik

This is an email conversation between JJ, Greg, Mike, Andrew Cox, Andrew Thrift, Justin, Tom, and others. I thought you guys might find this interesting.

We have been working on a mast site ( revisiting it since ) our Work on spacing out the Antennas last year,

I was wondering about your opinions.. on Sectors…

we have been using Pac wireless ones / Laid ones which seemed to have good range and great noise rejection (front to back)

we started using Sunparl Dual Polarity sector Antennas. they look impressive all metal enclosure etc… … and had great signal strenghths however compared with Pac wirelsss we have seen other neighbouring sectors at -15 ( as opposed to –45 / -50 on Pac wireless dishes)…

what I was wondering was what is your experience with sectors… are the UBNT Sectors good ? I have never used them out of prejudice….

What have you used and what would you recommend ?

any pointers would be much appreciated…

PS I love Jirous Dishes (Extreme) for Point to Point Links ๐Ÿ™‚


I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 100+ ubuquiti antennas on towers / poles / cow pastures. I have been very impressed. I love that all of them are dual poll for a minimum amount of money. I love the new titanium sectors better rejection selective beam. Tho only bad thing I can think to say is the non titanium ones have what seems to be rivets around the rp-sma connector that seem to rust pre maturely.

I would have to say go for it! I think you will be happy… We are.


I’ve heard that(from JJ I think) for the price the UBNT antennas have the best design. I’ve had good success with them also.


We use the 120 degree ubnt sectors (5g19 i think) with ubtik enclosures. Mikrotik with ubnt antennas win win I’m my book.


Jirous looks great. I’d love to try them sometime.

I used to love MTI sectors, but they’re so damn expensive.


Thanks for that… I really appreciate.. it…

I presume you would recommend the RF Armour … as well ?

I second the ubnt sectors. No firsthand experience with the titaniums yet. I do have experience with the rf armor shields though. Very happy with the ubnt+ rf armor.

I have a couple Titaniums, but nothing much to offer any insight from. I certainly like the mechanical setup of Titaniums vs. standard + RF Armor.


We have tried the Laird, Sunparl and UBNT sectors.

I too really like Sunparls enclosure, but the brackets and lack of protective coating on the pcb let them down. Also we got a fair bit of noise with them.

The ubnt dual polarity sectors are what we use and recommend. They are good quality and the brackets are really nice.

All our back hauls are now Jirous, its good to see more people discovering them ๐Ÿ™‚


What say you guys? Drop us a comment!


4 responses to “Antenna Recommendations For Mikrotik”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    That Mike guy sure is a stud.

    1. greg Avatar

      Oh he’s something alright ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. … I love it when a good plan comes together ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Marcel Avatar

    I started to use the sectors from new company Wireless Instruments. They are awesome: cheap and the top quality.
    And also they have a great bracket from fiber glass…