Month: October 2021
The Brothers WISP 146 – WISPAPALOOZA Wrap Up, MTK netFiber 9, LTE Thoughts
This week we have Greg, Tommy C, and Nick A. just over here feeling the love LOL. **Sponsors** Sonar.Software **/Sponsors** This week we talk about: WISPAPalooza, Mike got an award for TBW’s contribution to the WISP industry. big note, No Ubiquiti Mimosa A6x & C6x Tarana – Several people say it’s good stuff Everyone…
The Brothers WISP 145 – Palooza New Vendors, Facebook Outage, MTK Newsletter 102
This week we have Greg, Greg L(, Chad Wachs, and Mike Hammett…and yes, Pepperidge Farm remembers. PS: Mike’s audio is bad for a few minutes, but we fix it up pretty quick. **Sponsors** Sonar.Software **/Sponsors** This week we talk about: WISPAPALOOZA – Swag, LTE products Selling phone service Facebook outage, I didn’t get a…